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经历离婚是很困难的, 当孩子的监护权问题出现时,这个过程会更加紧张和复杂. It’s always better if parents can work together to make child custody arrangements that suit both parties and the child, 但, 不幸的是, 这种情况并不总是发生. 关于孩子监护权的冲突往往会引发争议, 最后,各方都吃亏, 尤其是那些被夹在中间的孩子.

咨询一位经验丰富的印第安纳州儿童监护律师 & Banet 有限责任公司 can help educate you about 印第安纳州 divorce and custody laws and clarify issues before they become major problems. To get started, here are some frequently asked questions concerning 印第安纳州 child custody laws.


印第安纳州的孩子监护权是基于什么被认为是 孩子的最大利益. 花在每个父母身上的时间可以基于 印第安纳州育儿时间指南 或者父母之间的协议. 如果父母不能同意, the court will determine custody and parenting time by weighing factors such as the age and health of the child, 孩子对家庭的适应, 学校, 和社区, 以及孩子与父母的关系, 兄弟姐妹, 和祖父母.



物理 监护权指的是孩子的实际所在地. 父母可以有共同的监护权,孩子和父母在一起的时间是一样的. 另外, 父母一方可以拥有主要的监护权,而另一方有探视权, 现在被称为“育儿时间”.”

法律 监护权指的是谁控制孩子生活中的重大决定, 比如健康, 教育, 和宗教. 父母可以共同法定监护,也可以由一方单独法定监护.


No, 法院通常支持父母双方共同抚养孩子, 所以大多数情况下, 在印第安纳州,父母共享监护权. The parent with whom the child spends more time is typically considered the primary custodial parent and the other parent is the 没有父母, 但当涉及到决策时,父母双方可能拥有共同的法律监护权.


A parenting plan is a written document that sets out exactly how parents share rights and responsibilities for raising their child. 它解释了育儿时间表和法定监护安排, 包括共同抚养的规则, 它应该满足孩子和父母的独特需求. 这个计划必须由双方签字, 并向法院申请批准以使其具有可执行性.  It is best if parents create and agree upon the plan while keeping in mind 孩子的最大利益.


This is a year-long parenting time schedule which may include a calendar in which the parties have charted an entire year of parenting time. 这有助于父母预测和计划假期, 生日, 学校假期和孩子和家长的特殊需要. 有一个在线日历可以帮助家长在以下地点制定时间表:


在决定育儿时间时有很多考虑因素.  这些包括:

  • 与孩子有关的因素,如年龄、气质和成熟程度
  • 与父母有关的因素, 比如心理健康, 药物滥用, 气质, 以及灵活应变的意愿
  • 与亲子关系有关的因素, 比如每个家长的可用性, 过去和孩子一起生活的经历, 以及看护历史
  • 与共同抚养关系有关的因素, such as the parents’ ability to be flexible with each other and any history of conflict and/or domestic violence
  • 环境因素,比如父母家的距离, 工作安排, 大家庭的存在,以帮助照顾.


当父母住得远,需要延长开车时间, 父母应该就交换孩子的地点达成一致. The cost of transportation should be shared based on factors that include the distance involved, 父母的经济资源, 距离存在的原因, 以及当时父母双方的家庭情况.


印第安纳州法律规定,如果父母一方考虑改变居住地, a notice of the intent to move must be provided to the court and to the other parent unless the relocation has been addressed by a prior court order or the relocation will be less than 20 miles further away and will not require the child to change 学校s.  无论哪种方式, 搬迁的家长必须通知另一方家长, 并提供新的地址, 新的电话号码, 以及计划搬家的日期

如果搬家是在州外, 搬迁通知书必须归档并送达对方当事人. 这使另一方父母有机会向法院提出反对动议. 反对的父母必须证明搬迁不符合孩子的最大利益, and the parent planning to relocate must prove that the move is necessary and is in good faith and not to prevent the other parent from seeing the child.


子女抚养费是由国家制定的公式决定的. 考虑的因素包括每个父母挣多少钱, 每个父母和孩子相处的时间是多少, 以及孩子需要什么. 印第安纳州有特定的 子女抚养指引 这可以帮助计算应该支付多少.

如果父母双方共同拥有监护权,并且收入相似, 可能没有子女抚养义务, or, 另外, they can agree not to have a child support order and instead provide for their children’s expenses during their own parenting time.


No, 印第安纳州 does not allow custodial parents to interfere with visitation and does not permit visitation being denied based on failure to pay child support. 然而, 如果有义务这样做的配偶未能支付子女抚养费, the other spouse may file a contempt of court action in the original court where the divorce and child support orders were issued. 在某些情况下,法院会对不支付子女抚养费的人判处监禁.


如果父母一方不遵守法院关于育儿时间的命令, 法院可能会施加包括罚款在内的制裁, 监禁, 和/或社区bet9九州体育登录.


不,是法院在孩子满18岁之前决定监护权. 然而,在14岁时,考虑到孩子的愿望.


孩子不被允许决定是否安排育儿时间. 父母双方都有责任确保孩子遵守安排的育儿时间, 即使孩子不愿意这样做.


在印第安纳州, 祖父母可以通过法院要求对孙辈进行探视, 哪一个因素将决定探视权是否符合孩子的最大利益.

如果孩子的母亲或父亲去世,祖父母可以要求探视, 如果孩子的父母在印第安纳州离婚了, 或者是非婚生子女. A grandparent’s visitation rights survive the adoption of a child by a stepparent or by the child’s grandparent, 兄弟姐妹, 阿姨, 叔叔, 侄女, 或者侄子.


Shared parenting plans require two parents to be actively involved in day-to-day rearing by having the child spend time in the home of each parent as a resident, 不是访客. 如果父母能一起努力, 他们提出了一个共同的育儿计划,让孩子学习, 作品, 在两个家庭都玩. 成功的计划可以使孩子免受离婚带来的许多损失, 但父母必须能够共同努力,使两个家都成为孩子的家. 不成功的共同养育会加速父母之间的冲突.


父母通常会在他们分开后立即安排监护权和探视权, 哪一个通常会得到法院的尊重. 当各方意见不一致时, the 法院 may issue a temporary order after a preliminary hearing during which evidence regarding custody and parenting time is presented. The temporary order deciding custody remains in effect until a permanent order is issued in the final decree.


修改监护或探视安排, you must be able to show a substantial change in circumstances that makes the change necessary. Courts will almost always consider a request for modification if there is a showing that the child is endangered by the current custody arrangement. 对修改有异议的, 可能会有一场有争议的听证会,法院将做出裁决.


The Holiday Parenting Time Schedule takes precedence over regularly scheduled and extended parenting time. 延长的育儿时间通常优先于正常的育儿时间. 全年都有定期的交替周末.

If a parent misses a regular weekend because it is the other parent’s holiday, it will be lost. 如果父母因假期而连续休两个周末, 那个家长也有第三个周末.

可以一个 没有父母 失去探视权?

Parenting time can be revoked if a judge believes this action is in the best interest of children for reasons that include:

  • 虐待儿童(身体、情感或性)
  • 家庭暴力
  • 酗酒或滥用药物
  • 监禁
  • 不适宜的居住条件
  • 儿童忽视
  • 绑架威胁.

如果监护父母认为存在这些情况, 上法庭, 并证明了它们, 非监护父母的育儿时间权利可以被撤销或, 在某些情况下, 可以安排有监督的育儿时间.


是的, a judge may order supervised visitation if there is a risk to the child from unsupervised visitation. 如果父母有育儿时间不符合孩子的最大利益, 法院可以禁止探视.


如果监护权有争议并进入审判, it becomes extremely contentious as both parties attempt to prove to the court that the child is better off with them instead of the other parent. 做决定, 法院会调查你在孩子生活中所扮演的角色, 你的健康和稳定, 以及你对孩子成长的贡献.


A Guardian ad Litem is appointed by the court help the court learn more information about each parent and their relationship with the child to assist in the determination of custody. 《bet9九州体育登录》将对此展开调查, and the court will use this information to assist in the determination of what custody arrangement is in 孩子的最大利益. 这项计划将列入最后的法令.


The Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act 1980 (PKPA) is federal legislation passed 帮助 resolve child custody cases where there are jurisdictional conflict issues, 特别是涉及跨越州界的事情. The Act allows any state to honor and enforce a custody order issued by another state’s court in order to prevent parental kidnapping and prohibits a second state from exercising jurisdiction when another court is al准备好了 exercising jurisdiction in a child custody matter.

The goal is to prevent a parent from seeking the intervention of a new court into a custody matter that has al准备好了 been decided by a court in the child’s home state.


熟练而富有同情心的印第安纳 家庭法律师 at 有限责任公司 知道孩子的监护权问题对离婚父母来说有多重要, and are here to answer all your questions and take appropriate steps that will lead to the best outcome for you and your children.

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